America’s Most
Requested Motivational Speaker For Education
Teachers Are Heroes
7 Success Principles for Transformational Teaching
This high energy emotionally charged message is a life-changing story of hope, belief, and inspiration. This message was designed to rekindle the spirit of teachers and remind them of their significance and the tremendous value they bring to the teaching profession and the lives of the children they serve. This presentation will serve as validation that every student has the potential to succeed in life no matter what his or her situation may be. Furthermore, participants will be given strategies on how to stay motivated and inspired during challenging times, teach with a spirit of excellence and truly understand why all teachers are heroes.
Famous Keynote Speaker in United States
Making a Difference One Life at a Time
This high energy, emotionally charged message was designed to inspire, motivate and rekindle the spirit of the many wonderful individuals that work and serve within the child welfare and K-12 educational industry. Because of their hard work, service and ultimate commitment to making the world a better place, the lives of children and their families are positively impacted. Mark Anthony Garrett’s heart-felt, thought-provoking words deliver a message to participants that they are more than just teachers, counselors, foster parents, case workers and volunteers, they are LIFESAVERS!
What Children Need to Succeed
Building Self-esteem From the Inside Out
This message was developed with several goals in mind. The first of these was to give participants a basic understanding as to what children really need to succeed. This session will explore internal and external factors that are critical in a child’s success and overall self-esteem. Mark will address aspects of self-fulfilling prophecies, mentoring, praise, goal setting, vision, family support and a plethora of other techniques and strategies designed to aid children in empowering themselves.
One Heart Can Make a Difference
Understand the Positive Impact that you can have on this World
Mark Anthony Garrett is a former special needs child with wonderful insight on how this experience greatly impacted his life. Mark will speak from his own experiences, including how he overcame the many hardships and obstacles that were placed in his path. The primary focus of this message is on how every person, despite their situation, has the power to positively influence and impact the lives of others. One heart can truly make a difference if we are focused on making it happen. Mark will share how one special teacher with a big heart made a major difference in his life. Using his dynamic ability to connect with an audience through intimate heart felt stories and analogies; he will leave them with renewed feelings of gratitude, hope and sense of purpose. This is a message that will leave you feeling proud to be a teacher.
Highly Recognized Keynote Speaker
The Winners Edge
Achieving goals and working with a great team is crucial for individual and organizational success. This message will enrich and equip your audience with the tools necessary to become an ultimate goal-achiever and contributing team player. Mark will share proven success formulas designed to increase positive thinking, teamwork, self-empowerment and winning in life and business.
The Magnificence of Teaching
Teaching with a Spirit of Excellence
Within the vast arena of serving children, we sometimes find ourselves wondering if we are truly making a positive difference in their lives. The day- to-day challenges and stresses of our complex teaching environment can very well give the illusion that we are moving backward instead of forward. This program will explore the positive components of teaching and lay a solid foundation that will aid your team in further understanding the positive and wonderful nature of their jobs. Participants will explore various components of teaching and learn a 7 principle step-by-step formula that will equip them with life-changing tools designed to motivate and empower them to teach with joy and passion. Participants will also learn critical information on team building, purpose, change, leadership, attitude and developing a winning mentality as it relates to teaching and empowering students.